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Do you have any questions about #PitchDis that aren't addressed in the FAQs? Questions about Twitter pitch contests in general? Is it your first time participating in a pitch contest and don't quite know what to do? Then mark your calendars for Thursday, May 11, 1pm-3pm ET and Tuesday, June 20, 4pm-6pm ET for #AskPitchDis! Ask your question on Twitter using the hashtag #AskPitchDis. We'll retweet it since others may have the same question, and hopefully answer it for you.


If you'd rather remain anonymous, you can either direct message your question to @PitchDis, where only the host will see your screen name and will not use it when posting the question, or you can use the form below. Please only use this form if you want to remain anonymous. If you're unable to attend on May 11 or June 20, you can either schedule your tweet(s) (you can find an instructional video here) or you can DM @PitchDis any time between now and noon ET of May 9.


You're always welcome to DM @PitchDis if you have any questions or concerns you don't want shared on Twitter, even anonymously.


Thanks for submitting!

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