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The number one question we get at #PitchDis pertains to eligibility. Want to know if you can participate? Here is a handy flow chart that may help.





















Basically, it comes down to this: If you consider yourself disabled, neurodivergent, and/or chronically ill, you are eligible. #PitchDis will not make this decision for you, nor will we deem you “disabled enough” to participate. The classification is yours and yours alone.


Because of this, any messages or emails asking if a certain condition, or the severity of a condition, meets the requirements of eligibility will not be answered or acknowledged.


Lastly, if you write disabled, neurodivergent, and/or chronically ill characters but do not consider yourself disabled, neurodivergent, and/or chronically ill, you are not eligible to participate. 


Thank you for understanding.

Flowchart titled "Am I eligible to pitch during #PitchDis?" First box says "Do you self-identify as disabled, neurodivergent, and or chronically ill?" If yes, you may pitch during #PitchDis. If no, you may NOT pitch during #PitchDis. If no, but I write disabled, neurodivergent, and/or chronically ill characters, or I have a family member or friend who is disabled, then you may NOT pitch during #PitchDis.
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